Monday, March 19, 2012

Job Update

I thought it over, and I ended up taking the non-law job. I am a huge proponent of pro-con lists, and the "pro" list outweighed the "cons". Simple balancing. Hopefully I made the right choice...

Though this made me wonder what the "right" choice is? If my goal is to make oodles of money as a successful attorney, well then this might not have been the right choice. If my goal is to be a supportive wife and mother, then working from home is likely the right choice. At least for now. It's interesting how the "rightness" of a decision is completely relative and dependent on the context of the situation.

I also was comforted by the thought that this decision is not "make or break." I know that I can always take a different job and resurrect/launch my legal career at a later time. Moreover (and I know it's trite), but I know that my little boy won't be little forever, so I should enjoy the time that I have with him right now. [I swore I would never say stuff like this before I had a baby, but I suppose I have turned to the dark side...]

Anyway, I hope that I'm able to balance working at home and child care at home. More to come soon. I start work on Wednesday.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

To work or not to work?

So I have been out of commission for the past few weeks, but for a good reason. I have been offered a job as an editor for a startup company. It is certainly nice to have the offer, particularly in this economic climate, but now I am torn.


-The job is not remotely in the field of law

-It pays a lot less than a law job would pay me

-Risks associated with work at a startup company (various)


-I haven’t received any calls about law jobs, despite the resumes I have been sending around

-Some money is better than no money

-The job will allow me to work from home for a period of time

-(on a related note) The baby refuses to take a bottle right now, making the idea of daycare difficult

-This would fill the resume gap

Based on these considerations and conversations with my husband, I’m leaning towards accepting the job… My main misgiving is that by taking this non-law job, I am hurting my chances of getting a law-related job in the future. I know that many of my fellow graduates are still searching for jobs, so I’m definitely grateful to have a job opportunity at all.

Mostly, I wish that making adult decisions wasn’t so tricky. And that the job market was better. But mostly the thing about decisions.